Museum of the Goldfields' Open Day Mural

Article | Updated 8 years ago

Dominique McKenzie and Desmond Cameron painting the mural
Dominique McKenzie and Desmond Cameron painting the mural
WA Museum

As part of the Museum of the Goldfields’ Open Day, a privately commissioned Heartwalk art piece will be unveiled.

Heartwalk is a two year public art project which will showcase the creative vibrancy of the Kalgoorlie-Boulder region. From 2017, both local artists and creatives from across Western Australia will be invited to paint large-scale murals across the CBD area – activating disused spaces, empty windows and blank walls.

The initiative works to embrace the spirit of the community, whilst providing the opportunity for cultural expression.

One of our key goals for Heartwalk is to give the opportunity to our talented First Nations artists to tell their stories and display their artwork in prominent public locations. It gives such an important feeling of connectedness and acknowledgement of our First Nations culture and people.
-Paula Fletcher, Heartwalk Project Manager.

The Museum’s courtyard wall acts as the canvas for Wangkatha artist, Dominique McKenzie. Known for his fusion of traditional dot painting and fluid brushstrokes, Dominique is working alongside his cousin Desmond Cameron to complete the mural. With the permission of the Council of Tribal Elders, the dynamic installation tells the story of the Seven Sisters.

For further information on the Museum of the Goldfields’ Open Day, click here.

Dominique McKenzie and Desmond Cameron painting the mural

Image copyright WA Museum