Meet the Northern Pilbara GoannaArticle | Updated 8 years ago Pilbara Goanna Brad Maryan The Northern Pilbara Goanna, or Varanus pilbarensis, is a carnivorous reptile that only lives in the rocky areas of the Pilbara region of Western Australia. It has to be tough to survive here! Pilbara Goanna Image copyright Brad Maryan Appearance This northwest native can grow up to 42cm in length, and has sharp teeth and claws that help it catch its favourite prey, including small reptiles, mammals and birds. Compared to other goannas, the Northern Pilbara Goanna is quite small. It is reddish in colour, with a long, slender head and neck. The tail has black and white bands, and has a cluster of spines at its base. Its belly is a whitish colour. The Pilbara Goanna can be observed during the hot days of spring and summer, on or near rock piles, and often near rock holes. This animal is particularly wary and agile, and will usually flee if surprised or approached too quickly.