Meet the Marri Keeled MillipedeArticle | Updated 2 weeks ago Marri Keeled Millipede Julianne Waldock The Marri Keeled Millipede, or Antichiropus variabilis, is a large millipede found in southwestern WA. Marri Keeled Millipede Image copyright Julianne Waldock Appearance This invertebrate can grow up to 4cm, and is uniform chestnut brown to dark brown in colour. Habitat It lives in uncleared woodland areas in southwestern WA, particularly in the Darling Escarpment and Swan coastal plain regions. It lives in the leaf litter under eucalypt leaves, particularly marri and jarrah, where they feed on decomposing litter. Behaviour Adult Marri Keeled Millipedes are most active during the winter and into late spring. In the summer, individuals burrow to avoid desiccation. Breeding Females produce eggs before the end of winter, and will die after laying them deep in the soil. A Marri Keeled Millipede may live up to two years.