
Article | Updated 7 years ago


Image copyright FameLab

Attention early-career researchers!

The British Council is looking for passionate scientists, engineers and mathematicians with a peer-reviewed discovery and a flair for public engagement to compete in its international science communication competition, FameLab.

Over the past two years, some of the country’s most impressive young researchers have presented their research on stage, adhering to FameLab’s special rules of ‘No PowerPoint and no jargon!’ in their quest to represent Australia at the FameLab International Final in the UK. This year, it could be you!

If you’re passionate about science, want to improve your presentation and communication skills, meet leading scientists from across the world and win an expenses-paid trip to the Cheltenham Science Festival in the UK, apply now at www.famelab.org.au.

Apply Now

Applications close midnight (AEST), Friday 19 February 2016.

About FameLab

Since its birth at the Times Cheltenham Science Festival in 2005, FameLab has grown into one of the world’s leading science communication competitions.

It aims to find, develop and mentor young science and engineering communicators. The result is a celebrated alumni of young scientists and engineers able to get everyone ‘talking science’ in the media-intensive environment in which we live.

A partnership established with the British Council in 2007 saw the competition go global, with more than 5000 young scientists and engineers participating in over 25 different countries… with new countries taking part each year!