Arianna Urso

Technical Officer – Terrestrial Vertebrates

Terrestrial Zoology A person wearing a khaki coloured work shirt smiles and gently holds a lizard


  • Master’s dissertation on the Western Ringtail Possum
  • Honours studying phenotypic plasticity in tadpoles to the presence of invasive predators


  • Manages the preserved wet and dry collections of terrestrial vertebrates (birds,mammals, reptiles and amphibians)
  • Facilitates loans of WA Museum vertebrate skins, tissues, skeletons and whole organisms with other institutons
  • Identify and register new specimens into the collections
  • Maintains DNA tissue library of terrestrial vertebrates
  • Maintains and updates the electronic collection database

Services (to other bodies)

  • Provides identifications to industry, other government departments and enquiries from the public.

Selected Publications

Ficetola, G.F., Barzaghi, B., Melotto, A., Muraro, M., Lunghi, E., Canedoli, C., Lo Parrino, E., Nanni, V., Silva-Rocha, I., Urso, A. and Carretero, M.A., 2018. N-mixture models reliably estimate the abundance of small vertebrates. Scientific Reports, 8(1), p.10357.