MEDAL, Battle of Trafalgar


On obverse, head of Nelson, hatless and with the star of the Order of Bath, while around the circumference is lettered "HORATIO VISCOUNT NELSON. K. B. DUKE OF BRONTE. &". Just under the epaulettes, what appears to be "C. H. K." is marked. The reverse features Nelson's flotilla at the height of battle and, scrolled around the circumference, "ENGLAND EXPECTS EVERY MAN WILL DO HIS DUTY". Beneath, "TRAFALGAR / OCT. 21. 1805". Lettering around the edge reads "FROM M: BOULTON TO THE HEROES OF TRAFALGAR." C. H. Kuchler, the designer and engraver, was a native of Flanders who was employed by Matthew Boulton at his Soho Mint, Birmingham. It was issued by Boulton to all who took part in the battle and was later made from silver, bronze-gilt, bronze and white metal. The battle of Trafalgar occurred on 21 October 1805. Boulton was a distinguished engineer, sympathetic, and interested in many areas - from mechanics to arts and philosophy. With James Watt, he applied the steam engine in the minting of money and the striking of medals at Boulton's private mint at Soho, and when the Royal Mint was moved from the Tower of London between 1809 and 1812, Boulton and Watt equipped it with new steam-powered minting machinery.


History Department


History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H1990.280
Accession Date: 22 Aug 1990









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Accessed 26 Aug 2024

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