HAIR PINS, in box, x2, ‘GLORIA’


Small, rectangular, light red cardboard box of nine thin, oblong, crimped sides, rounded top, open bottom, metal (copper?), hairpins. Box has white double striped border across top and bottom, angled oblong portrait of woman on front of box, with white text in field, reads; ‘Gloria/ HAAR-/PFEILE/ gewellt/ braun/ H.R./ ges gesch.’ Sides of box have white illustration of hair pin. Back of box reads; ‘Gloria/ HAAR-/PFEILE/ zichnen sich durch/ bequemes Tragen/ raus. Durch die/ Biegung sitzt dies/ Nadal fest im Haar./ Gloria Haarpfeile/ sind fein lackiert/ u haben besonders/ gut polierte Spitzen’. Top and bottom sides read’ ‘Beliebte/ Qualität’.
[1]Box worn, edges rough and colour coming off sides. Top side has come apart from box, top side tab also missing. Small tear at top of front. Exposed end of hairpins rusted (where top has come away from box), metal darkly discoloured.
[2] Box worn, especially edges, some indentations over body. Top side tab missing. Exposed end of hairpins rusted, metal discoloured.


History Department


Stanwix Collection

History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H2008.206.1-2
Accession Date: 18 Nov 2013
Acquisition Year: 2008



cardboard box, metal (copper?)

0 - Whole
Metal0 - Whole





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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 7 Sep 2024

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