
Framed golf certificate in honour of a hole in one. The top half of the certificate is a large comical cartoon. There is a golfer looking smug and confident with his golf bag and club slung over his shoulder. There is also a halo around his head and it is quite obvious he has scored a hole in one. Between his feet is the hole and poking out of it is a golf ball with arms over its head and a smiling face. Surrounding the proud golfer on his left and right are other male golfers expressing delight at his hole in one. Some are jumping in the air or waving their arms in excitement whilst others are kneeling or bowing at his feet. Below this large cartoon are eight smaller cartoons and some print. The print appears in the centre and the smaller cartoons appear on the left and right of the print (four on each side). The proud golfer appears in each one of the cartoons in various situations saying the same line which is "HAVE ONE / ON ME --". The various situations are; buying drinks for the golfers at the bar, shaking someone's hand in a shower, a bed, the beach, his office, giving a lady a kiss, at the dinner table and in an armchair. The print is as follows: "Know Ye All Men / and / Be Ye Hereby Warned / that / H.H. TAYLOR, ESQ.. / Did This Day / Hole Out in One / and Did Receive / Amid the Plaudits / Of His Fellows / 'Corio 5=Star Old Whisky' Award / This Prodigious Feat / Was Performed On / The ROYAL PERTH GOLF Links / on / 13th June 1962. / The United Distillers Pty. Ltd." signature? below the print. The style of print is Old English apart from Mr Taylor's name and the name of the golf club both of which are typed in. On the back of the frame in blue pen is the underlined name "H. HudsonTaylor". There is also a small white sticker on the back with details of the framers in blue ink. The details are as follows: "Framed by / QUARRELL'S / 89 JAMES STREET PERTH / Phone 28 2110". The print is between two decorative lines. The frame is thin and black in colour. It is hung up by a thin piece of wire across the back. There is also a red wire cord attached to the wire for an unknown reason.


History Department


History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H1990.266
Accession Date: 5 Jul 1990



Wood, paper, cardboard, ink, metal, glue.






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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 17 Aug 2024

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