CHEMICALS, bottled, dentistry, c1964


Five bottles:
[.a] Clear glass bottle with 2 seams running up to neck: lid is sealed or very tightly stopped with glass stopper, which has an 'M' shaped lever. Has 'C30' moulded at base of bottle. Paper label reads: 'CAUTION NOT TO BE TAKEN / SHAKE THE BOTTLE / Trichlorophenyl- / methylio doselicyl in / H2O / No .... T.C.P. / E.B. (BERT) ELLIOT / Manufacturing and Dispensing Chemist / 132 Hannan Street., KALGOORLIE / PHONE K453'.
[.b] Clear brown 2 seamed glass bottle with metal screw-on lid. Seam extends form base to lip. On RH side of bottle is moulded: "THIS BOTTLE IS THE PROPERTY OF" and on LH side of bottle: 'WYETH INCORPORATED, SYDNEY'. Paper label reads E.B. (BERT) ELLIOT / Manufacturing and Dispensing Chemist / 132 Hannan Street., KALGOORLIE / PHONE K453" as a. Also reads: 'HYPO / Make a strong solution / and sponge stained part' in typewriting, with 'with hot water' penned in between 'strong' and 'solution'. The base of the bottle is separate mould, reads 'C/M IS.196'
[.c] Clear, rectangular brown glass bottle with plastic lid. Has 'NOT TO BE TAKEN' moulded into lack, 'W23' and 'F621' in base. Has corrugations in glass on all sides except front, which has paper label. Original label has 'POISON / FAULDING / F.H. FAULDING & CO. LIMITED . MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, AUSTRALIA'. Over the centre of this label, another label has been adhered with 'Mr K. Rout / MERCURY / School of Mines 7.7.64'. A third paper label reads 'NETT WEIGHT / 8oz' As the mercury has been issued to Rout by the School of Mines, it suggests the School was a distributer of mercury, possibly only in small quantities like this.
[.d] Clear, rectangular 2 mould bottle with olive green bakelite lid. Paper label reads 'Western Australian / GOVERNMENT STORES DEPT / GLYCERINE / DRUG DEPOT / PERTH' Back of bottle has paper label reading 'CONTAINER TO BE RETURNED / TO / GOVERNMENT STORES, PERTH'.
[.e] Clear, round glass bottle with black plastic lid. Label reads: 'OIL OF LAVENDER M. KELLY, LIMITED., ROSS D. ROGERS, M.P.S. PH.C., MANAGER, / 149 Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie.'


History Department


History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H1989.846.a-e
Accession Date: 23 Aug 1989



a. glass, paper, chemicals b. glass, paper, metal, chemicals c. glass, paper, plastic, mercury d. glass, paper, bakelite e. glass, paper, plastic

0 - Whole
Plastic/Synthetic/Polymer0 - Whole
Metal/Metalb - bottle, glass, brown
Mercury/Metal0 - Whole
Paper/Paper0 - Whole





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Accessed 13 Aug 2024

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