
Albany is the traditional country of the Minang/Menang Noongar people. They have occupied the South West Region of Western Australia for more than 50,000 years.

Albany was a subdivision of the division Forrest. The ‘Yes’ result for Albany was 84.65%. This was higher than the overall state result and the 10th highest of all subdivisions.

In recent years, Albany has been at the heart of innovative projects to progress reconciliation.

In March 2003, the launch of the Aboriginal Accord between the City of Albany, the People of Albany and the Aboriginal Community of Albany was the first agreement of its kind between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Communities.

In 2016, the Menang community successfully partnered with the British Museum and the Western Australian Museum to return to Country the British Museum’s full collection of rare Menang objects. These items were part of a cultural exchange and displayed in a temporary exhibition.

This was an Australian first, and the project showed new approaches to cultural heritage through joint custodianship.

Voting Results for the division of Forrest

  Enrolled Voters Yes' vote No' vote Informal votes Total valid votes Yes' vote No' vote
Division of Forrest 42419 34282 7182 955 41464 82.68 17.32
(Albany) 12145 8787 1593 176 10380 84.65 15.35
(Bunbury) 8853 5877 1564 191 7441 78.98 21.02
(Collie) 6201 4233 975 183 5208 81.28 18.72
(Forrest) 2816 1784 494 93 2278 78.31 21.69
(Nelson) 8054 5734 1060 162 6794 84.40 15.60
(Sussex) 6281 4652 821 89 5473 85.00 15.00
Postal votes*   447 73 4 1335    
Absentee votes*   2740 597 55 4347    
Other   28 5 2