Shipwreck Databases Western Australian Museum

RP1604916108 - 8 Reales (Unknown)


Coin Heritage

Province Mint Potosi

Soverign Issuer Carlos IV

Coin Type8 Reales

Country of OriginSpanish America

Date Unknown

Coin Details

Weight 1077.00g

Composition Silver

Condition P

Date Found 1979

Museum Reference

Registration Number 1604916108

Map of shipwreck


An American China trader wrecked at Ningaloo reef in 1811. The first example of an outwardbound American China trader to be examined from the archaeological perspective. Reported in the Columbian Sentinel dated 3 August 1811 to have had
$280 000 in specie on its outward journey from Boston.
Rapid departed Boston for Canton on 28 September 1810. After rounding the
Cape of...