Shipwreck Databases Western Australian Museum

JA2404 - Armament


Carronade. 'Trunnion carronade', 6-pounder.
LH trunnion–Founder's mark 'F'
Rope and Pulley System; carronade sitting on Carriage

Site Area Code Local

Number of Items 1

Material Armament

Museum Reference

Registration Number 2404

ID 10826

Status Commonwealth

Map of shipwreck


James was an American-built vessel owned by Chapman and Company. The vessel was sheathed in copper (1828), carried two chain and one hempen cable, and was armed with three cannon. It had a single deck with beams, a raised new deck and new upperworks in 1828. The vessel was involved in the passenger trade from Europe. Captain Ellis met the vessel at Kingstown, Ireland, on 18 December 1829 and...