
Certificate is rectangular and coloured pale green, red, yellow and black. There is a coat of arms at centre top with what appears to be a knight in armour (missing) on left and a rampant bull with a shield between reading 'E/ C (?)/ L'. Beneath this on banners 'NEMO MORTALIUM' and 'OMNIBUS' and 'HORIS SAPIT'. On either side of this section are seated two female mythical figures.
Lettering on a gold banner reads 'ROYAL ANTEDILUVIAN. ORDER OF/ BUFFALOES' and beneath this, 'GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND/ INCORPORATED'. There is the head of male figure (longhair, beard and moustache) and on either side of him statues with titles 'EUROPE' and 'ASIA'. There are statues labelled 'AFRICA' and 'AMERICA' toward the lower corners of certificate as well. Within decorative borders featuring pillars, the certificate reads (handwritten names & dates) 'Sons of Gwalia LODGE No. 48. This is to certify that Brother/ F. Mitchell/ has been duly initiated into the mysteries of/ BUFFALOISM (word embellished with red design) with all the ancient rites and/ ceremonies. As witness our hands and seal/ this 13th day of December 1936.' Certificate is signed 'W.G. Mou....W.P./ A.E. Davison CP as the 'CM' and Wm. Jacobs C.P, P.G. Tres "Secy".' In circular areas below are a white bird (dove?) on left and black bird (raven?) on right while below is the head of a bull. Two panels across the lower section show 'KING JOHN SIGNING THE 'MAGNA CHARTA' and 'QUEEN ELIZABETH PRESENTING EARL ESSEX THE BANNER & MOTTO OF OUR ORDER.' At lower centre there is the Australian coat of arms with 'ADVANCE AUSTRALIA' and across the lower edge - 'In things essential, UNITY, in things doubtful LIBERTY, and in all things CHARITY.' Across lower right corner - 'Brokensha & Shaw Ltd, Print, Perth.'


History Department


History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H1996.162
Accession Date: 16 Jul 1996
Credit: Mr Fred Mitchell







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