Shipwreck Databases Western Australian Museum
  • ZW1083 - Glass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1083 1 Wine glass base. Glass Mid-West Gun Island 1892-94 1977 Commonwealth Govt. Allocation: ANMM (00046352) Fri, 2017-04-21 19398 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1170 - Copper/brass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1170 1 Buckle, brass frame tinned Copper/brass Mid-West Gun Island: 1976: Hole 34 Mon, 2017-08-21 Tue, 1976-03-30 19409 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1493 - Glass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1493 2 Tumbler bases, amethyst Glass Mid-West 50m E Mike’s Timber 1977 Netherlands Govt. Allocation: RS.1772(37) and RS.1772(38) Fri, 2017-01-27 19425 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW190C-D - Lead

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 190 2 Sinkers. Lead Mid-West Gun Island 1892-94 1977 Commonwealth Govt. Allocation: ANMM (00046344) Thu, 2017-06-22 Wed, 1970-08-05 19356 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW241 - Lead

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 241 1 Seal: lead. Lead Mid-West Gun Island 1892-94 1977 Commonwealth Govt. Allocation: ANMM (00046347) Thu, 2017-06-22 Sat, 1974-06-01 19369 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW833 - Glass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 833 1 Bottle base (onion), ‘wine’ Glass Mid-West Wreck site 1977 Netherlands Govt. Allocation: RS.1772(44) Fri, 2017-04-21 Tue, 1972-05-16 19378 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1016R - Copper/brass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1016 1 Tobacco box - brass Copper/brass Mid-West Gun Island 1892-94 1977 Netherlands Govt. Allocation Wed, 2011-02-16 19384 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1024 - Copper/brass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1024 1 Fish hook. Copper/brass Mid-West Gun Island 1892-94 1977 Commonwealth Govt. Allocation: ANMM (00046350) Thu, 2017-06-22 Sat, 1974-06-01 19386 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1025 - Copper/brass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1025 1 Fish hook. Copper/brass Mid-West Gun Island 1892-94 1977 Commonwealth Govt. Allocation: ANMM (00046351) Thu, 2017-06-22 Sat, 1974-06-01 19387 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1026 - Copper/brass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1026 1 Fish-hook Copper/brass Mid-West Gun Island 1892-94 1977 Netherlands Govt. Allocation: RS.1772(05) Fri, 2017-01-20 19388 Zeewijk ...

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