Shipwreck Databases Western Australian Museum
  • ZW4222 - Cargo

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 4222 1 Iron Fragments Cargo Gun Island: Hole 1097/19 (xyz- 70/30/60 cm) Tue, 2008-04-29 110357 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW5400 - Replicas

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 5400 1 Photo of bronze Breech-loading swivel gun. Ship cannon. Dutch (Middelburg). Replicas Mid-West Sat, 2010-04-03 Tue, 2008-05-06 110366 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1298 - Glass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1298 1 Case Bottle fragment Glass Mid-West Gun Island: 1976: Hole 55 Thu, 2008-09-25 Tue, 1976-03-30 110407 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW5639 - Animal

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 5639 9 Bones - unidentified: variety of teeth and bone Animal Mid-West Wed, 2014-03-05 Mon, 2008-06-23 110418 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW5599 - Animal

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 5599 1 Bone Bead (as ZW254) Animal Gun Island: xyz- Unknown. Salt bush flat area. Fri, 2012-01-20 Tue, 1991-03-12 110421 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW5654 - Clay pipes

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    5654 2 Half clay pipe bowl Clay pipes Mid-West Gun Island Thu, 2016-12-15 Thu, 2016-11-10 114000 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW5656 - Clay pipes

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    5656 1 Clay pipe stem fragment Clay pipes Mid-West Gun Island Thu, 2016-12-15 Thu, 2016-11-10 114002 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW5657 - Clay pipes

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    5657 1 Clay pipe stem fragment Clay pipes Mid-West Gun Island Thu, 2016-12-15 Thu, 2016-11-10 114003 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW5661 - Clay pipes

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    5661 1 Half clay pipe bowl Clay pipes Mid-West Gun Island Thu, 2016-12-15 Thu, 2016-11-10 114007 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW5668 - Clay pipes

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    5668 1 Clay pipe stem fragment Clay pipes Mid-West Gun Island Thu, 2016-12-15 Thu, 2016-11-10 114014 Zeewijk ...

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