Shipwreck Databases Western Australian Museum

BAT1240 - 1/2 Taler (1573)


Silver 1/2 Taler

Coin Heritage

Mint Mark Rose

Province Mint Kuttenberg

Soverign Issuer Maximilian II

Coin Type1/2 Taler

Country of OriginAustria

Date 1573

Coin Details

Weight 12.52g

Composition Silver

Condition aVG Damaged

Date Found 1970

Museum Reference

Registration Number 1240

ANCODS Commonwealth Govt. Allocation

Catalogue T/O. Dav. 8056 but 1/2 Taler

Map of shipwreck


Under commandeur Francisco Pelsaert, and Ariaen Jacobsz skipper, newly built Batavia sailed from Texel 27 October 1628 for the Dutch East Indies with bullion, goods and silver. On 4 June 1629 the ship struck a reef near Beacon Island in the Houtman Abrolhos. Of the 322 aboard 40 drowned and the rest got ashore. In search of water and food Jacobsz, Pelsaert and others left site in a 30-foot (9....