Pseudoscorpions of the world
Alphabetical list of pseudoscorpion families
Atemnidae Kishida 1929
The Atemnidae were created by Kishida (1929b) and Chamberlin (1931) for Atemnus, and augmented with additional genera by Beier (1932) and...
Bochicidae Chamberlin 1930
The Bochicinae were first recognized by Chamberlin (1930) who included the group within the Ideoroncidae. It contained only a single species, ...
Cheiridiidae Hansen 1894
The Cheiridiinae were recognized by Hansen (1894) for the genus Cheiridium which he treated as a member of the Cheliferidae. This group...
Cheliferidae Risso 1827
The Cheliferidae is the oldest pseudoscorpion family having been created for the first pseudoscorpion genus, Chelifer, which was...
Chernetidae Menge 1855
The family Chernetidae was first created by Menge (1855) but it gained little acceptance until revalidated and redefined by Chamberlin (1931) and...
Chthoniidae Daday 1888
The Chthoniidae was first recognized as a distinct subfamily of pseudoscorpions by Daday (1888) and treated as a full family by Hansen (1894)....
Dracochelidae Schawaller, Shear and Bonamo 1991
The Dracochelidae was proposed for Dracochela deprehendor.
Feaellidae Ellingsen 1906
The family was proposed by Ellingsen (1906) when he named the genus Feaella from western Africa. Chamberlin (1923) added the subfamily...
Garypidae Simon 1879
The composition of the Garypidae has altered radically since it was first recognized. Chamberlin (1930) included a number of genera, to which many...
Garypinidae Daday 1888
The Garypininae were erected by Daday (1888) for the genus Garypinus from southern Europe. It was considered a subfamily of Olpiidae by...
Geogarypidae Chamberlin 1930
Geogarypus was placed in the Geogarypinae as a subfamily of Garypidae by Chamberlin (1930). The group was raised to family level by...
Gymnobisiidae Beier 1947
The family Gymnobisiidae was first recognized by Beier (1947) for Gymnobisium from South Africa. The family was enlarged by Beier (1956)...
Hyidae Chamberlin 1930
The family Hyidae were first recognized by Chamberlin (1930) who included the sole genus Hya with the type species from the Philippines....
Ideoroncidae Chamberlin 1930
The Ideoroncidae were first recognized by Chamberlin (1930) who included four genera within the Ideoroncinae, Ideoroncus, Albiorix...
Larcidae Harvey 1992
The genera Larca and Archeolarca were traditionally included in the Garypidae, but Harvey (1992) transferred them to a separate...
Lechytiidae Chamberlin 1929
The Lechytiidae were first recognized as a tribe of the Chthoniinae by Chamberlin (1929) and were elevated to family level by Harvey (1992). They...
Menthidae Chamberlin 1930
The Menthidae were first recognized by Chamberlin (1930) who included the genus Menthus from south-western U.S.A. and Mexico. Additional...
Neobisiidae Chamberlin 1930
The Neobisiidae was named by Chamberlin (1930) when he replaced Obisium with Neobisium. The family has basically retained the...
Olpiidae Banks 1895
The Olpiinae were created by Banks (1895), but was largely ignored until Chamberlin (1930) raised the subfamily to family level and expanded the...
Parahyidae Harvey 1992
The Parahyidae was described by Harvey (1992) who suggested it was related to the Neobisiidae and Syarinidae.
Pseudochiridiidae Chamberlin 1923
The Pseudochiridiinae was first treated as a distinct group by Chamberlin (1923), who used the spelling Pseudocheiridiinae. The Pseudochiridiinae...
Pseudogarypidae Chamberlin 1923
The Pseudogarypinae were first recognized by Chamberlin (1923) who removed the genus Pseudogarypus from the family Garypidae, where it...
Pseudotyrannochthoniidae Beier 1932
The family Pseudotyrannochthoniidae are a distinct group of chthonioid pseudoscorpions found in many disparate regions of the world, including...
Sternophoridae Chamberlin 1923
The Sternophoridae were first recognized by Chamberlin (1923) who described the genus Sternophorus for S. sini from...
Syarinidae Chamberlin 1930
The pseudoscorpions currently included in the Syarinidae have had a chequered history. They were first recognized by Chamberlin (1930) who...
Tridenchthoniidae Balzan 1892
The family was first proposed by Balzan (1892) for an unusual juvenile pseudoscorpion from South America, Tridenchthonius parvulus. The...
Withiidae Chamberlin 1931
Chamberlin (1931) first recognized this group as a subfamily of the Cheliferidae, and was raised to family level by Weygoldt (1970). The enigmatic...
Pseudoscorpions of the World has been developed to provide some basic information on the world of pseudoscorpions and, in particular, provide information about the various pseudoscorpion families, valid names of genera and species, and a comprehensive list of the scientific literature that deal with pseudoscorpions.
This website should be cited as:
Harvey, M.S. (2011). Pseudoscorpions of the World, version 2.0. Western Australian Museum, Perth.
On this page a comprehensive list of pseudoscorpions families have been listed in alphabetical order. To start exploring that order, please click on the title to see the full list of related genera and species.
Conversely, start using the search and taxon browser functions to find out information about specific taxa, or browse through the full classification page (please note this is very large and may take some time to load).
This website contains published data up to the end of 2010.