SCARF, Ban All Bombs


Triangular scarf of unbleached calico with raw edges. The words "BAN / ALL / BOMBS" are hand written in thick black letters over the centre of the scarf so that when the top edges are knotted at the front of the neck, the lettering is visible across the shoulders at the back. The lettering is neat but varies a little in size. The paint appears to have run at the edge of many of the letters. On the back of the scarf the same words have been written in biro. Madge Cope thinks that the scarf may have been made in a group effort and that they may have used a stencil to do the lettering but it looks more like hand lettering. The scarf was worn by Madge Cope in 1957, when along with other members of the Union of Australian Women, she took to the streets of Perth wearing aprons or scarves protesting at the threat of British atomic tests on Christmas Island. They used aprons and scarves to avoid the attention of the police. They were of very simple design and lettered in blue or black. The Apron Parades lasted from May to September 1957 and about 12 women in all took part. Five or six of them would go into the office on Friday lunch-times and walk around the main city block for part of the lunch-hour. In September a group of them were stopped by the police and charged with "carrying a printed notice in a public place". They were found guilty but acquitted on appeal. The walks continued until June 1958 but the scarves and aprons were replaced by paper shopping bags on which they printed peace slogans. The aims of the UAW were : to safeguard peace, to protect the rights and extend the opportunities of children, and to fight for women's rights ( as housewives and mothers, as paid workers and as citizens). It was the most politically radical women's organization at the time and took direct action when objectives could not be achieved by other means. A number of the former UAW members went on an International Women's Day march in about 1984 wearing their scarves and aprons and this scarf was worn again then.


History Department


History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H1990.175
Accession Date: 26 Apr 1990



Unbleached calico, paint?





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Accessed 13 Aug 2024

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