POSTCARD, x2, [.1] 'Old growth native Forests' [.2] 'I'll vote to stop this'


POSTCARD, x2, cardboard, printed
[.1] Black and white image of trees in bush setting with black serif font at bottom left; 'Oldgrowth native forests/are an irreplaceable heritage/Mature karri forest in Hawke Block soon to be clearfelled'; printed on reverse with a statement supporting the protection of mature native forests addressed to 'The Executive/ Director/Department of Con-/servation and Land/Management/(CALM)...'
[.2] Coloured image to front of lush green forest at top and clearfelled forest at bottom with words in white sans-serif print 'I'll vote to/ stop this/from becoming this'. Reverse of postcard has type-written text of letter to 'Dear Mr Baker' on left hand side and on right is addressed to 'Mr Chris Baker MLA/Member for Joondalup/C/- The Wilderness Society WA/2 Delhi Street/West Perth WA 6005'. Llogos at the base of the right hand side for The Wilderness Society, triangular logo on left, and WAFA Western Australian Forestr Alliance, rectangular logo on right. Black border at bottom right with white text ''


History Department


History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H2015.639.1-2
Accession Date: 14 Mar 2016
Acquisition Year: 2016


Card/Paper0 - Whole





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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 28 May 2024

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