
Former Kalgoorlie Mining Associates property. a. "FORM NO 4 FEE 10/- / Hampton Properties, Limited. / WESTERN AUSTRALIA / CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION / THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I have this day Registered ___ / of ___ / as holder of ___ / subject to the Company's Regulations. / Dated at Kalgoorlie this ___ day of ___ 19__ / BOUNDARIES ______" b. "FORM NO 5 ("HAMPTON PROPERTIES LIMITED" is typed, "Hampton Gold Mining Areas Limited" has been crossed out with x's on a typewriter / "WESTERN AUSTRALIAN / Notice of Marking Off Gold Mining Lease or / Deep Lead Lease / NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ___ (name in full) / the undersigned of ___ have this day ___ at the hour of ___ marked off this land / for which I/we intend to apply under Regulation 16 of the Company's Regulations / as a deep lead/gold mining [strike out which does not apply] lease/ The ground intended to be applied for contains about ____ acres and the description of the boundaries is as follows:- commencing at this point and running ________ for a / distance of _____ chains, thence _______ a distance / of ____ chains, thence ____ a distance / of ____ chains, and thence to this point. As witness our hands this ___ day of ___ 19__ / [signature of Agents or Applicants] / Nos of Mining Licenses of Applicants - ___" c. As b., but HAMPTON PROPERTIES LIMITED is properly type set. d. "FORM No. 6 / The Hampton Properties, Limited. / WESTERN AUSTRALIA / APPLICATION FOR _________ LEASE. / No. ____ Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 20 of the Company's Regulations, I/we do hereby apply for a _____ Lease of ____ / acres of land taking possession of and marked out by me/us, the undersigned, at / ____ o'clock on the ___ day of _____ 19__ / _____________ / Signatures in full by Applicants or by Agent". Overleaf: "SCHEDULE: Name of Applicants in full; Mining License No; Shares Held; Situation and Boundaries of Land applied for; Area and total number of shares; Intended name of Lease; Term for which Lease is required; Received the above applications on the __ day of __ 19__, together with the sum of [pound sign]____ for rent and [pound sign]___Survey fees; Attorney for Company". e. "FORM No. 7 / Hampton Properties Ltd / WESTERN AUSTRALIA / Notice of Application for _____ Lease No. __ / TAKE NOTICE that / the the undersigned, have/has made application this day for a / ___ Lease under the Company's Regulations / of ground to be known as containing ___ / acres or thereabouts. The description and locality of the / said land is as follows:- / As witness my/our hand this __ day of / ___ 19__. / _____/ (Signature of Agents or Applicants). / Objections against this application must be lodged in the Company's Office on or before the ____ day of ____ 19__. / _______/ Attorney for Company. (This notice must be posted for 30 days at Company's Office / and 23 days on datum post of ground applied for. It must also be / advertised in a newspaper. f. FORM No. 13 / The Hampton Properties, Limited. / WESTERN AUSTRALIA / Notice of Intention to Forfeit Gold Mining Leases. / TAKE NOTICE / that it is the intention of The Hampton Properties, / Limited, to re-enter and take possession of all that piece or parcel of land comprised / in gold mining lease No. ____ now registered in your name, and to / forfeit all your right, title and interest in to same for the reasons following:- / [large blank space] unless within 14 days hereof you submit to the Attorney of the company, at its / office, evidence to satisfy the said Attorney that the above reason is not true in fact. Dated the __ day of __, 192_, / ______ / Attorney for Company." g. FORM No 14 The Hampton Properties , Limited. / WESTERN AUSTRALIA / APPEAL AGAINST FORFEITURE / TAKE NOTICE that I/we, the undersigned, ____ / the registered holders of Gold Mining Lease No. ____, being dissatisfied with the decision of the Attorney of the Hampton Properties, / Limited, in the / matter of the forfeiture of the said Gold Mining Lease for the reason that [large blank space] which reason I/we contend is not true in fact: Now I/we do hereby require you the said THe Hampton Properties, LImited, and you the said Attorney to refer the issue as to whether the said reason is true in fact to the determination of two / arbitrators and an umpire appointed as provided in Regulation B. / Dated the____ day of ____ 19__ / 0___ / (Signatures in full). / To / The Hampton Properties, Limited, / and its Attorney. / Received the above notice, together with Fee of 10 pounds 10s., the ____ / day of ___ 19__ /_____ Attorney for Company." h. "FORM No. 16 / The Hampton Properties, Limited / WESTERN AUSTRALIA / APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION. / No _____ / We/I, the undersigned, being the registered proprietor of deep/gold mining [strike out which does not apply] lease No.____, hereby give notice that / on the expiration of fourteen clear days from this date, / we/I intend to apply for exemption from ___ / of the above ___ for a period of ___ / calendar months on the following ground, viz:- [large blank space] Dated the ___ day of ___ 19__ / ____ / Signatures. / Received this Application on the __ day of __ 19__, together with fee of 20s. / ____/ Attorney for Company. i. "FORM No. 17 / The Hampton Properties, Limited / WESTERN AUSTRALIA / NOTICE OF GRANT OF EXEMPTION. / TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: / TAKE NOTICE that I, the undersigned, The Attorney of the Hampton Properties, Limited, have this day granted exemption from ____ / of the above ___ for a period of ___ / calendar months. Dated the ___ day of ___ 19__ / ____ / ____/ Attorney for Company. j. "FORM No. 20 / Hampton Gold Mining Areas, Limited / WESTERN AUSTRALIA / Grant of Protection / No _____ / TAKE NOTICE that I, The Attorney of Hampton Gold Mining Areas, Limited, have this day granted to ___ protection for a period of ___ / calendar months in respect of the / area of land marked off by him/them on the __ day of ___ 19__ / ____ / ____/ Attorney for Company. k,l [Two copies] Form No. 11, Gold Mining Lease. This is an A3 size document, with 21 provisions spelled out in very archaic legal language. Of particular interest in provision 4, which states the lessee "will employ ... during the usual hours of labour, such miners or workmen as shall be required by law. Provided always that such miners or workmen shall not be Asiatic or African aliens.


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Accession Number: H1989.789.a-l
Accession Date: 11 Aug 1989









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