Lady Elizabeth (1878/06/30)
Rottnest Island, Bickley Bay

Built Sunderland, engaged Fremantle to London trade, occasionally to China Caught in a gale while north of Rottnest turned back to Fremantle and in very poor conditions was wrrecked.
Ship Built
Owner Messrs Wilson and Oliver
Master Captain Thomas Scott
Builder Robert Thompson
Country Built UK
Port Built Sunderland
When Built 1869
Ship Lost
Grouped Region Metro
Sinking Gale
When Lost 1878/06/30
Where Lost Rottnest Island, Bickley Bay
Latitude -32.01754
Longitude 115.54946
Position Information GPS
Port From Fremantle
Port To Shanghai
Cargo Sandalwood
Ship Details
Engine N
Length 48.70
Beam 9.30
TONA 658.00
Draft 5.50
Museum Reference
Official Number 60966
Unique Number 1318
Sunk Code Wrecked and sunk
File Number 2009/0147/SG _MA-857/71
Chart Number PWD 54153
Protected Protected Federal
Found Y
Inspected Y
Date Inspected 2002/12
Confidential NO