Shipwreck Databases Western Australian Museum

Mary Herbert (1875/09)

Between Albany and Augusta

The Mary Herbert was last seen on 4 September 1875 on a voyage from Albany to Fremantle. After 56 days

The Western Australian Times (Perth, WA : 1874 - 1879) Tuesday 31 August 1875 p 2
The Mary Herbert over due from Adelaide has not yet turned up.

The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901) Wednesday 1 September 1875 p 2
Albany. — August 30, Mary Herbert, from Vasse.
The Western Australian Times (Perth, WA : 1874 - 1879) Friday 24 September 1875 p 2
The Mary Herbert.-Great anxiety is felt for the fate of the schooner " Mary, Herbert," owned by Mr. J. Herbert of Fremantle. She left Albany for Fremantle three weeks since, and has not yet been heard of. Shortly after she left Albany, heavy Nor-west gales set in, and as she did not run back to Albany it is pre- sumed she has been driven as far Eastward as the Bight, and possibly the first news of her safety may reach us from South Australia.
The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901) Monday 4 October 1875 p 2
Some anxiety is felt for the safety of the schooner Mary Herbert, from Adelaide to Fremantle. She left King George's Sound, nearly a mouth ago, and has not since been heard of.

The Western Australian Times (Perth, WA : 1874 - 1879) Friday 29 October 1875 p 2
ARRIVAL OF THE " ORWELL", NO NEWS OF "MARY HERBERT."The schooner "Orwell,'' Captain Quail, from Melbourne arrived in harbor Sunday evening at 6 o'clock ; she is laden with general cargo part for here, and part for Champion Bay. Captain reports leaving Port Phillip on the 2nd inst. but was immediately forced to run in under Kemp Island, and stay for two days during a severe gale. Had light fair winds half way across great Australian bight, when it came on to blow W. and N.W. gales, and continued so for 9 days ; fine weather followed and advantage was taken to work round through the out-lying rocks and reefs up to Cape Leuwin thereby considerably shortening the passage. During this time Captain Quail was continually on the look out at mast-head, the land was well in sight, and he had favorable opportunities of detecting anything unusual along the coast ; there was no sign of a vessel, or the wreck of one, no fires or smoke ; no signs of human beings or symptoms to indicate their having been there. Had the "Mary Herbert" driven on to any part of this coast, the " Orwell," in the passage she took round, could hardly have failed sighting her.
The schooner Rose caine into port on Sunday from Adelaide 27 days out, she encountered heavy westerly gales throughout ; her cargo consists of llour for the Commissariat Depart- ment and barley.

The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901) Tuesday 2 November 1875 p 2
Fears are entertained that the schooner Mary Herbert, which left King George's Sound for Fremantle about eight weeks since, has foundered at sea.

The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901) Wednesday 3 November 1875 p 2
No tidings have been received of the schooner Mary Herbert, from Adelaide, via King George's Sound, to Fremantle, reported as missing in our last summary. She has now been fifty six days at sea ; aud as the weather was unusually boisterous Boon after she left Princess Royal Harbor, the general sup position is that she has foundered, and that all on board have perished. Besides her enterprising owner — Mr. Herbert — there were several other passengers in the vessel, some of whom had relatives in this colony.

The Inquirer and Commercial News (Perth, WA : 1855 - 1901) Wednesday 17 November 1875 p 3
The Mary Herbert. — The discovery of wreckage on the coast to the eastward of Cape Leuwin, described in an official communication in another column, affords a clue to the probable fate of this unfortunate vessel. Many speculative opinions will be offered as to the manner in which the ship was wrecked, but the true story of the catastrophe, we fear, can now never be told, since it is scarcely possible at this late day that a soul on board has been spared to relate it. A fact reported by Captain Miles, of the schooner Mary Ann, appears to favor the supposition that the Mary Herbert was not driven ashore and wrecked, but that she foundered in the open ocean. On the second day after her departure from King George's Sound, the weather then being very unsettled and boisterous, the Mary Ann, lying at anchor in Bremer Bay — some 120 miles to the eastward of Albany — was struck by a "white squall" from the westward, and thrown on her broadside. The squall gave no warning whatever of approach, and lasted about twenty minutes. The con- sequences of a squall, of only half such force, striking a vessel like the Mary Herbert, in light draught as she was, under canvas, would doubtless be most dis- astrous. There were on board, on leaving Albany, besides Capt McKenzie and crew of seven, Mr. James Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes and family (4), and Messes. Crowdy and Oran.

The Herald (Fremantle, WA : 1867 - 1886) Saturday 27 November 1875 p 3
Portions of wreck supposed to belong to the Mary Herbert have' been found on the South coast by a policeman employed by Government to search for traces of her. An examination of the wreck wood found shows that it did not belong to this vessel. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Herbert's wife and family.
Mary Herbert. Brigantine, 92 tons. Built Fremantle 1875. Lbd 76.6 x 19 x 8.3 ft. Left Albany for Fremantle on 4 September 1875 on her way from Adelaide with a crew and 12 passengers, including the owner, but was not seen again. Extensive searches located wreckage near Cape Leeuwin, Vasse and Busselton but her true fate was never determined. [LW]

The Western Australian Times (Perth, WA : 1874 - 1879) Friday 10 March 1876 p 2
Albany, Tuesday 7th March.
FINDING OF A SUPPOSED PORTION OF THE WRECK OF THE Mary Herbert.A large log of sandalwood branded, supposed to be part of " Mary Herbert's" cargo has been picked up about twenty miles to Westward of Albany.

Ship Built

Owner Herbert

Builder Jackson

Country Built WA

Port Built Fremantle

Port Registered Fremantle

When Built 1875/04

Ship Lost

Gouped Region South-Coast

Sinking Went missing

Deaths All

When Lost 1875/09

Where Lost Between Albany and Augusta

Port From Hobart

Port To Fremantle

Cargo Flour

Ship Details

Engine N

Length 23.30

Beam 6.30

TONA 92.00

Draft 2.50

Museum Reference

Official Number 72471

Unique Number 1429

Registration Number 8/1875

Sunk Code Wrecked and sunk

Protected Protected Federal

Found N

Inspected N

Confidential NO