Shipwreck Databases Western Australian Museum
  • Chance

    Wreck | Updated 29 Jan 2018

    Swan River. It would appear that the master of the Chance when it was wrecked, Captain Hume, not only ...

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  • Don Juan

    Wreck | Updated 29 Jan 2018

    1867/09/28 Protected Federal N N Albany N Belgium Refloated Albany 195/72 Co-ordinates 40' off. Inquirer, 23 October 1867 NO South-Coast 112 don-juan ...

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  • Dunster Castle

    Wreck | Updated 29 Jan 2018

    of work Arundel abandoned any further attempts at salvage and the wreck was put up for auction. On 23 ...

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  • Fanny Nicholson

    Wreck | Updated 29 Jan 2018

    oil and gear salvaged from the wreck of the Fanny Nicholson, along with its crew. The barque Free ...

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  • The Bruce

    Wreck | Updated 29 Jan 2018

    later sold. Worsley P. & J. (in prep) Green Seas & White Horses: Wrecks of the South Coast. ...

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  • Mandalay

    Wreck | Updated 29 Jan 2018

    SALVAGE The following advertisement appeared in the West Australian (30 May 1911: 2d) newspaper: Wrecked Barque Mandalay Tenders will be received by R.S. Haynes, Consul for Norway, for the Wreck as it now lies ...

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  • Northumberland

    Wreck | Updated 29 Jan 2018

    a lighthouse on Bald Head. INITIAL SALVAGE The only items saved from the wreck of the Northumberland were ...

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  • Bunyip

    Wreck | Updated 29 Jan 2018

    impossible to recover. SITE LOCATION The wreck of the Cartabunup/Bunyip was reported as being 180 m west of the wreck of the Twilight, however the exact position of neither wreck is now known. STATEMENT OF ...

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