Shipwreck Databases Western Australian Museum
  • ZW1463 - Ship's fittings

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1463 6 Dog spike x 1; 19th cent. bottle fragments green x 3; china x 1; Bullet cartriage 12mm x 1. Ship's fittings Mid-West Found in guano occupation site-12 paces NE point2. Fri, 2007-10-26 20442 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1846 - Stoneware

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1846 1 Stoneware side sherd, pink/grey + handle point (joined to ZW1905, ZW2133 + ZW2144). Stoneware Mid-West Area 5 Tue, 2007-12-04 Wed, 1977-03-23 20798 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1869 - Stoneware

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1869 2 Stoneware jug: shoulder sherd plus side sherd (joined to ZW2038) Stoneware Mid-West Found in Area 9 Tue, 2007-12-04 Thu, 1977-03-24 20811 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1891AB - Glass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1891 17 Onion bottle fragments Base fragments x 3 (B); Lip fragment (A); Body fragments x 13 Glass Found in Area 13 Fri, 2007-10-26 Thu, 1977-03-24 20828 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1905 - Glass

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1905 2 Case bottle fragments. 1/2 s'ware bowl -see 2144. Glass Mid-West Found in Area 19 Fri, 2007-10-12 Thu, 1977-03-24 20838 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW1956 - Clay pipes

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 1956 3 Clay pipe stem part and a piece of bone. Clay pipes Gun Island: Test Hole 193LB (xyz- 4.2/290.7/0.35 cm) Fri, 2007-10-26 20885 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW2007 - Stoneware

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 2007 2 Base, 1/2 side fragment: salt glase,brown speckled. Stoneware Mid-West Swim line search from Peter’s cannon Tue, 2007-12-04 Thu, 1977-03-24 20923 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW2038 - Stoneware

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 2038 1 Stoneware sherd: salt glaze, grey and blue inner/brown speckled outer (joined to ZW1869) Stoneware Mid-West Area location:28 Tue, 2007-12-04 Thu, 1977-03-24 20948 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW2068 - Stoneware

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 2068 1 Stoneware: 3/5 cream bowl fawn speckled. Stoneware Mid-West Area location: 2m left swim line buoys 1+2 Tue, 2007-12-04 Sat, 1977-03-26 20974 Zeewijk ...

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  • ZW2145 - Stoneware

    Artefact | Updated 9 Feb 2018

    Commonwealth 2145 1 Stoneware jar base and portion of sides: cream white. Stoneware Mid-West Area location: swim line search Thu, 2007-12-06 Thu, 1977-03-24 21047 Zeewijk ...

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