Report on the excavation of skeleton SK5, a victim of the Batavia massacre of 1629, Beacon Island, Western Australia
Author/s M. Gibbs
Year of publication 1996
Report Number: 112
This report describes the excavation of a skeleton. designated Sk5. (pending accession by the Department of Marrtime Archaeology. Western Australian Museum) from Beacon Island. Wallabi Group, Houtman Abrolhos. Western Australia. between 14th and 19th June, 1994. Although a brief historical background to the site and details of the 1994 excavation are recorded here, this report should be read in conjunction with the more comprehensive analysis of Sk5 and the other Batavia -associated human skeletal material prepared by Ms Bernadine Hunneybun as part of her B.Sc. (Hons) dissertation for the Centre for Archaeology, University of WA (1995)