Dutch references to the Batavia, Vergulde Draak, Zuiddorp, Zeewijk and other vessels
Author/s M. van Huystee
Year of publication 1994
Report Number: 77
The purpose of this publication is to give a useful gide to everyone interested in the Dutch exploration of the West Australian coast and the shipwrecks that remam as a token of their presents.
It gives an overview of the original 17th and 18th century documents relating to the wrecks and the explorations. These documents are mainly kept in the State Archives of the Netherlands, ie. the Algemeen Rijksarchief. Eerste afdeling. This deparunent takes care of the remaining VOC-archives. which are still extensive in spite of numeral losses in the past.
In addition it will give a list of most of the secondary literature that deals with the various events in Australian history. which are connected with Dutch VOC-ships. I have categorised the references chronologically and by shipname. The original documents and the number which they possess in the Algemeen Rijksarchief CAR Anumber) are followed by the secondary references. Most of the books mentioned can be found in the library of the Western Australia Maritime Museum in Fremantle. An important part of rhe original documents are kept on microftlm in the museum as well.
The numbers of the microfilms on which the documents are copied are also given.