
Dwyer and Mackay

Interior of Western Machinery Corp offices with fireplace and stained glass windows.

Richly furnished with leather upholstered chairs, cloth covered table and plan chest.

Collection Item Data

Medium Format: 16.5x21.6 cm. / 6.5x8.5 inch
Condition: Good
Medium: Unknown B&W
Keywords: interiorwesternmachinerycorpofficesfireplacestainedglasswindowsrichlyfurnishedleatherupholsteredchairsclothcoveredtableplanchest
Accession Number: GMM610/392
Registration Number: GM01610
Location: Kalgoorlie, Boulder Road
State: WA W
Creator:  J.J. Dwyer
Original Legal Broker: Museum of the Goldfields - MOG; Golden Mile Museum
Cataloguer:  Sharma Peebles
Month Taken: 5
Day Taken: 4
Year Taken: 1909


Room relocated to Museum of the Goldfields and named the de Bernales Room after the Managing Director Claude de Bernales.

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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 16 Jun 2024

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