Hospital ward showing many beds, most with patients in, nurses posed round ward. 'Official table' in foreground has book, pot plant, vase of flowers. Heater is at room centre with chimney, behing this is a nurse with baby in cot. Dr. Barber
Interior of Cafe, Mechanics Institute Building (Costello(, showiing tables set for a meal, chairs, mat on floor, Chinese style screen, pot plants - some on high trellis-type room divider.
Three people on verandah having tea - North Kalgoorlie School Staff house. Cane chairs, wooden table laid with lace cloth, flowers in vase, pot plants hanging and on floor.
Headmaster Shore with newspaper, lady pouring from silver tea-pot.
Inside of verandah at rear of house, corrugated iron 'bull' roof and lattice timber on garden side, corrugated iron with window on house side, large planter and hanging and floor pot plants, rocking horse and punching bag at back. Mrs. Ashmore Thomas.
F/L portrait of man and woman, man is elderly, seated, wearing three piece suit; woman younger wearing long dress , lace frills at neck, hem and sleeves. Pot plant on table. "Mr. P. Lynch."
F/L portrait of man "Mr. Ilich", wearing three piece suit, tie with pattern of grapes, hat on table, copy of "Photo Review" leaning against palm in pot on floor.