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Interior of standard brewery Kanowna, showing beer kegs, bottles of beer, men at work bottling beer. Man seated holding dog.
School of Mines dinner showing many men seated at long dinner tables lavishly set for dinner with cutlery, plates, flowers, bowls of fruit, beer and wine bottles .
Group of people in front of horse with cart filled with beer bottles, Union Bottling Works behind group. Fellow sitting is Paddy Whelan.
Group of men outside Union Bottling Works. Horse and Delivery Cart full of Bottles.
Interior of School of Mines main Chemical Laboratory, showing desk with sink, racks filled with assorted Bottles of Chemicals.
Interior - hotel bar counter with barman, till and bottles behind counter. 2 big barrels on counter.
Hotel bar, staff - one woman, one man behind counter, bottles of drinks on shelves.
Boulder Hotel, interior, bar, 2 male customers, one man behind bar. Till and bottles of drink on shelves behind counter.
Hotel bar, interior, showing front of bar, Quirk's refrigerator, bottles on shelves behind bar, poster advertising Old Court Whiskey.
Hotel Bar, interior. View of counter with 2 barmen behind, also till and bottles behind counter.