COOPERS HOOP, measuring wheel, metal


Small circular metal wheel with wooden knob handle. Thick metal disc with gauge 0-14 marked around outside, small arrow in centre points to numbers. Smaller, thinner disc attached to bottom has numbers 0-5 marked around outside. As small wheel completed a full rotation, arrow in larger wheel moves a half space, two rotations and it moves a full number. Reverse of large wheel ‘83’ handwritten, black ink. Small wheel reverse ‘STECKENREITER MFG CO. CHICAGO, ILL. PAY MAY 13 1902’. Smaller wheel is tarnished, larger has small spots of tarnish.


History Department


History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H2013.805
Acquisition Year: 2013



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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 13 Aug 2024

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