EXERCISE BOOK, Hazel Nash sewing orders, with newspaper article, 1956-59


[.1] Rectangular, dark blue, paper exercise book with cream lines across the cover forming an uneven scale-like pattern. Lined paper inside, attached to cover by two staples along spine. ‘ST. GEORGE/EXERCISE BOOK’ printed in blue with ‘Button etc/Service’ handwritten in pencil below, inside trapezoidal, cream coloured section in centre. Printed outline of St George on a rearing horse slaying a dragon inside a circle at top, surrounded by a blue and white leaf and flower pattern. Two parallel, horizontal, white lines across top of book, either side of ‘ST. GEORGE’. Singe, horizontal, white line across bottom of book cover. Reverse side cream coloured, with blue outlined rectangle with ‘ARITHMETICAL TABLES’ printed at top, and three columns below with printed arithmetic conversions and scales. Multiplication tables listed at bottom. ‘15/15/30/15/45/15/60’ handwritten in blue biro at top. Inside cover filled with hand written numbers. Several pages divided into columns hand-ruled in pencil, with dates, items, names, and prices recorded. Horse in front of building with tower drawn in blue biro on back page. Remaining pages blank.
[.2] Rectangular, hand-cut, yellowed, piece of newspaper with article titled ‘SILVERWARE FAMILY/LINK BROKEN’. ‘THE WEST AUSTRALIAN WEDNESDAY MAY 14 1980’ printed at top. Black and white printed advertisement for ‘WILLIS ELECTRONICS’ on right side.


History Department


History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H2013.215.1-2
Accession Date: 8 Aug 2013
Acquisition Year: 2012
Credit: Hazel Nash Collection


Paper1 - Exercise Book
Ink/Paper1 - Exercise Book
Metal1 - Exercise Book
Paper2 - Newspaper article
Ink/Paper2 - Newspaper article





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Western Australian Museum Collections https://museum.wa.gov.au/online-collections/content/H2013.215.1-2
Accessed 14 Aug 2024

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