PIAVANINI, Livio Paolo

1 January 1921 – 25 June 1979

Origin Albosaggia, Sondrio, Italy
Accompanying Family Mother - Letizia Maria Piavanini (nee Pagagnoni)
Original Occupation Child
Occupation in Australia Coalminer/Farmer


Arrival Year 1929


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Read their story

Livio Piavanini arrived in Collie as an 8 year old boy. He worked all of his life in the coal mines as well as running a small dairy & beef farm. Livio is believed to be the first Italian born Shire President in WA. He was married with 6 children & 19 grandchildren.


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Visitor Submitted Comments

  • I was reading the names of passengers, vessel names and year of arrival to Australia on the Welcome Wall in FREMANTLE and noticed Mr PIAVANINI's name and thought of my Italian immigrant mother who came on the 'Ormonde' in 1929. She came from the far north east of Italia (in the Dolomiti area- Fruili region). She was 26 years old and travelling alone. She met my father (also from an adjoining town) not knowing one another they married in 1930 and settled in the town of GRIFFITH NSW.
    Wonderful to read that Livio became the first Italian immigrant to become a Shire President of his adopted community. What a legacy for his 6 children and 19 grandchildren.

    Thu 19 Oct 2017

  • I am an inhabitant of the village of Albosaggia where Livio came from ...
    It is an honor for us to be able to read his story even now.
    Here we also mentioned other fellow villagers who emigrated to a country as hospitable as Australia ... Thank you

    Sat 5 Nov 2022

  • I am an inhabitant of the village of Albosaggia where Livio came from ...
    It is an honor for us to be able to read his story even now.
    Here we also mentioned other fellow villagers who emigrated to a country as hospitable as Australia ... Thank you

    Sat 5 Nov 2022

  • Sorry.. i forgot the link

    Sat 5 Nov 2022

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