
Dwyer and Mackay

Portrait of man and baby, man 3/4 seated, baby F/L seated on table; 'Davey'

Collection Item Data

Medium Format: 16.5x21.6 cm. / 6.5x8.5 inch
Condition: Fair
Medium: Unknown B&W
Keywords: portraitmanbabyseatedtabledavey
Accession Number: 1353
Registration Number: GM0034016
Location: Kalgoorlie
State: WA.W
Creator:  T. F. Mackay
Original Legal Broker: Museum of the Goldfields - MOG; Golden Mile Museum
Cataloguer:  J. Urqhart
Month Taken: 5
Day Taken: 16
Year Taken: 1927

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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 8 Jun 2024

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