Amblygobius phalaena live specimen (Photo Credit: Mark Allen)

Whitebarred Goby

Amblygobius phalaena

Unlike most gobies (Gobiidae) that are seen swimming or resting on the substrate, this species usually swims just above the bottom with fins flared. The colour pattern of brown horizontal stripes on the upper sides that are interrupted by narrow vertical white and brown bars is distinctive. The tall first dorsal fin has a characteristic brown spot, as does the upper part of the caudal fin. The belly is white.


Has a cylindrical, cigar-shaped body typical of most gobies, with two separate dorsal fins. The rounded snout profile, and broad rounded pectoral and caudal fin are distinctive. One of the larger goby species reaching up to 15 cm in length.


There are 14 currently recognised species in the genus Amblygobius. It belongs to the family Gobiidae, which is the most diverse fish family on the planet comprising more than 1750 species.


Darts to the cover of sandy burrows when threatened. Feeds on tiny invertebrates, detritus and algae by sifting mouthfuls of sand through the gills.

Method of reproduction

Sexual. A study has demonstrated that monogamous breeding pairs that remain together over multiple successive breeding periods are common in this species. Eggs are deposited in a burrow built by the male who then guards the burrow and fans the eggs to oxygenate them for 3-4 days. No parental care of the hatched larvae is exhibited.



Found in sandy or weedy areas, often in the vicinity of coral reefs or sponge gardens, usually in depths less than 20 m.


Widespread throughout the Indo-West Pacific, from Western Australia to the Society Islands and north to the Ryukyu Islands.

Life Cycle



Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Gobiidae
Genus: Amblygobius
Species: phalaena
Name Published Year: 1837
Scientific Name Authorship: Valenciennes
Commercial Impact: 


Conservation Assessment: Least Concern

Net Conservation Benefits Fund

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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 30 Aug 2023

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