Net Conservation Benefits Fund
Conservation Systematics of the western Pilbara fauna
Genetic approaches to biodiversity conservation are now well established and contribute greatly to understanding biological diversity at all levels, from genes, populations and species to ecosystems. These approaches are increasingly complementary to traditional morphological research into species identities and determining taxa that are undescribed, cryptic or have restricted geographic ranges, and may be in need of active conservation initiatives. All of these areas are applied, management-focused criteria that underpin biodiversity conservation.
About the project
This Project will be led by the Western Australian Museum over five years and is designed to support on-ground conservation outcomes by providing a more thorough understanding of the systematics and composition of selected terrestrial and marine fauna of the western Pilbara.
This project is funded by the Gorgon Project’s Barrow Island Net Conservation Benefit Fund, which is administered by the Department of Parks and Wildlife. The Gorgon Project is operated by an Australian subsidiary of Chevron and is a joint venture of the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron (47.3%), ExxonMobil (25%), Shell (25%), Osaka Gas (1.25%), Tokyo Gas (1%) and Chubu Electric Power (0.417%).