Yellowfin Dottybacks (Pseudochromis wilsoni) from the Dampier Archipelago, showing male (above) and female (below) colouration. (Photo Credit: Mark Allen).

Yellowfin Dottyback

Pseudochromis wilsoni

Dottybacks are shy, retiring reef inhabitants, not commonly seen away from the cover of crevices on reefs and rubble patches. This species, like others of the genus displays sexual dimorphism (sexes have different colour patterns). Males are dark blue to greyish overall with reddish eyes. Females are tan-brown to olive green overall with a faint pattern of barring on the sides and a distinctive yellow edge on the dorsal fin and upper caudal fin margin.


Elongated body with a single dorsal fin, rounded to slightly truncate (squared-off) caudal fin and a relatively large eye. Maximum size attained is 8 cm.


Pseudochromis comprises 70 species, almost half of the total number of species that are currently recognised in the dottyback family Pseudochromidae.


Dottybacks are typically reclusive, usually sheltering amongst rubble or reef crevices.

Method of reproduction

Sexual; other pseudochromids are believed to be protogynous hermaphrodites, with individuals born female and becoming male later in life.



Most common in shallow inshore reefs in depths less than 30 m. Specimens have recently been collected from trawling grounds in the northern Kimberley in 70+ m of water.


Northern Australia between Port Denison (WA) and Bargara (Qld). A few records also exist from southern Papua New Guinea.

Life Cycle



Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Pseudochromidae
Genus: Pseudochromis
Species: wilsoni
Name Published Year: 1929
Scientific Name Authorship: Whitley
Commercial Impact: 


Conservation Assessment: Least Concern

Net Conservation Benefits Fund

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Accessed 21 May 2024

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