• Monday 7 do:

    In the morning [we] looked carefully but could not see our fellow companions, weighed anchor and with small sail tacked between the islands to have a closer look; the wind S:W: variable with calm. Towards evening we saw our companions S: to E: 3 miles from us. We immediately went in that direction where we came to anchor; in the morning put her on a north course again the breeze light westerly. During the night we had a severe storm from the north west with rain; took in our topsails and in the morning hoisted them again, the storm having abated by then; variable with calm.

    Maendagh 7 Januarij

    Smorgens hebben sneedigh uijtgekeken maer conde onse meede mackers niet bekennen hebben onse ancker gelicht en met kleijn zeijl tussen de eijlanden te houden om des te beter uijt te sien den windt Z:W variabel met stilten tegen den avondt sagen wij onse mede macker Z: t: O: 3 mijlen van ons hebben daer ter stondt naer toe gehouden alwaer wij des avonts bij quamen lijden daer het weder om den noordt over den wint west laber koelte snachts kreegen een trawaet uit den west noord westen met regen namen onse marseijls in tegen den dach weder bij gemaeckt en het weer bedaerde doen variabel met stilte

  • Tuesday 8 do:

    In the morning had the West point of Prince Island to the S:W: of us and the Zipse N: N:E: with calm. In the afternoon we had the West point of the Princen Islands S:W: to S:, the Keijsers Island N:N:W:. In the night we had the point of the Princen Islands S:S:W: and Zipse N:N:E: with calm and rain, the wind variable; the whole night the wind variable.

    dinsdach 8 d:o

    Smorgens hadden de west hoeck van de Prinse Eijlanden Z:W: van ons en het Eijlandt Zipse N:N:O met stilte des midags hadden wij de westhoeck vande Prince Eijlanden Z:W: t: Z: en 't Keijsers Eijlandt N:N:W Savonts hadden wij de hoeck van de Princen Eijlanden Z:Z:W en Zipse N:N:O: met stilte en reegen den windt variabel des geheelen nacht den windt al variabel

  • Wednesday 9 do:

    In the morning we had the abovementioned Islands the Princes S: to E: and Zipse N: t: E: 1/2 N: the whole morning the wind variable. In the afternoon the Princen Island S: t: E: and Zipse N: t: E: 1/2 N: the whole morning the wind variable. At noon we had the Princen Island S:S:E: of us and Zipse N:E: with calm which held us up the whole day by being variable. In the evening we once more found Princen Island E:S:E:, the wind variable from the west the whole night.

    woensdach 9 d:o

    Smorgens hadden wij de boven geseijde Eijlanden het Prinsen Z: t: O: ende Zipse N t O 1/2 N: des geheelen voormiddach de windt variabel des middachs hadden wij het Princen Eijlandt Z:Z:O: van ons en Zipse N:O met stilte vertierde weijnigh alle dagen door stilte als variabel weder savonts hadden den Princen Eijlandt O:Z:O: den windt variabel uijt den westen den geheelen nacht

  • Thursday 10 do:

    In the morning found the N: west point of Java N:E: to: E: 6 miles from us, the wind variable; at noon the wind N:W:, had the Point of Java N:N:E: 9 to ten miles away from us at the estimated latitude of 7 degrees and 20 minutes and longitude 124 degrees and 10 minutes from which we determined our position and plotted our course S:S:W:. At first in the evening before sunset we had the N:W: point of Java N: to: E:13 miles away, the wind N:N:W: with calm, the whole night fine weather the wind variable the sea surging from the South South West.

    donderdach 10 d:o

    Smorgens hadden den N: west hoeck van Java N:O: t: O 6 mijlen van ons de windt variabel des middags den windt N:w: hadden den Hoek van Java N:N:O: 9 a 10 mijlen van ons op de gegiste breete van 7 graden en 20 minutten en lenckte 124 graeden en 10 minutten waervan wij doen ons bestecknamen en stelden onsen cours Z:Z:W aen vooreerst des avonts voor Sononderganck hadden wij de N:W: hoeck van Java N: t: O na 13 mijlen van ons den windt N:N:W: met stilten des geheelen nacht moij weder den windt variabel de Zee schoot uijt den Zuijdt Zuijdt Westen