Garypus californicus Banks, 1909

Garypus californicus Banks, 1909




Belongs in new genus "Anchigarypus"





Garypus californicus Banks, 1909b: 305; Banks, 1911: 635, fig. 210b; Moore, 1917: 26, fig. 1; Chamberlin, 1921: 190, figs a-d; Moles and Moore, 1921: 8; Chamberlin, 1925a: 330; Chamberlin, 1930: 613, figs 2j, 2o, 2s, 2z, 3p, 3s; Chamberlin, 1931a: figs 3, 4c, 6c, 8b, 11p, 14c-d, 16n, 17w, 19j, 21d, 24a, 26a, 29f, 40u, 41e-f, 45o, 46l, 47f, 47t, 50f; Beier, 1932a: 219-220, fig. 246; Beier, 1932g: figs 159, 185; Chamberlin, 1935b: 480; Roewer, 1937: 268; Hoff, 1958: 15; Ricketts and Calvin, 1960: 432; Firstman, 1973: 16; Firstman, 1973: 5, 16, fig. 10; Newell, 1975: 431, plate 105 fig. 2; Roth and Brown, 1976: 128; Schulte, 1976: 119-123, figs 1-2; V.F. Lee, 1979a: 4-7, figs 2, 4, 6-8, 30; V.F. Lee, 1979b: 13; Poinar, Thomas and V.F. Lee, 1985: 400-401, fig. 1; D.W. Zeh, 1987b: 1086; Muchmore, 1990a: 514; Harvey, 1991a: 239; Austin, Gibson and Harvey, 1998: 349; Lighton and Joos, 2002a: 345-348, figs 1-5; Lighton and Joos, 2002b: 1-4, figs 1-3; Ceballos, 2004: 428.



  • Garypus californicus from Mexico  (Image: M. Harvey)


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