Paratemnoides elongatus (Banks, 1895)
Chelifer cancroides (Linnaeus, 1758)
Chelifer cancroides cancroides (Linnaeus, 1758)
Tyrannochelifer cubanus Hoff, 1964
Cubachelifer strator Hoff, 1946
Neoallochernes cubanus Muchmore, 1992
Neoallochernes garcianus (Banks, 1909)
Epactiochernes insularum Muchmore, 1974
Antillochernes muchmorei (Dumitresco and Orghidan, 1977)
Bituberochernes mumae Muchmore, 1974
Americhernes oblongus (Say, 1821)
Lustrochernes viniai Dumitresco and Orghidan, 1977
Macrochernes wrightii (Hagen, 1868)
Neowithius cubanus (Banks, 1909)
Withius piger (Simon, 1878)
Paratemnoides elongatus (Banks, 1895)