Americhernes oblongus (Say, 1821)


Chelifer oblongus Say, 1821: 64.

Chelifer alius Leidy, 1877: 261 (synonymised by Banks, 1893: 64).

Chernes oblongus (Say): Hagen, 1868b: 51; Banks, 1890: 152; Hagen, 1870: 268.

Chernes insuetus O.P.-Cambridge, 1892: 225-226, plate C fig. 17; Warburton, 1909: 438 (synonymised by Judson, 1997b: 410).

Chelanops oblongus (Say): Banks, 1895a: 5; Banks, 1904a: 140; Berger, 1905: 407-417, fig. 1, plate 28; Banks, 1907: 746; Banks, 1908a: 39; Banks, 1908b: 4; Coolidge, 1908: 110; Banks, 1909c: 173; Banks, 1911: 638; Ewing, 1911: 79; Moles, 1914c: 192-193; Moles and Moore, 1921: 6; Myers, 1927: 291-292; Pratt, 1927: 410; Chamberlin, 1931a: 119, fig. 47s; Nester, 1932: 98; Roewer, 1937: fig. 185; Brimley, 1938: 497.

Chelifer communis pennsylvanicus Ellingsen, 1910a: 366 (synonymised by Muchmore, 1991e: 81).

Chelifer (Lamprochernes) oblongus (Say): Ellingsen, 1910a: 368.

Lamprochernes oblongus (Say): Beier, 1932e: 84-85, fig. 103; Chamberlin, 1935b: 481; Roewer, 1937: 289; Vachon, 1940f: 3; Hoff, 1945c: 37-38; Beier, 1948b: 444, 452; Hoff, 1949b: 450-453, figs 8, 30a-b; Hoff and Bolsterli, 1956: 165-166; Hoff, 1958: 20; Hoff, 1961: 444-445; Manley, 1969: 7, fig. 7; Weygoldt, 1969a: fig. 105; Weygoldt, 1970a: 242, fig. 12b; Muchmore, 1971a: 80, 82; Weygoldt, 1971: 14, figs 15; Nelson, 1971: 95; Nelson, 1975: 284, figs 40-43; Rowland and Reddell, 1976: 16.

Lustrochernes (?) pennsylvanicus (Ellingsen): Beier, 1932e: 95; Roewer, 1937: 290.

Allochernes (?) insuetus O.P.-Cambridge: Beier, 1932e: 154; Roewer, 1937: 298.

Lustrochernes pennsylvanicus (Ellingsen): Hoff and Bolsterli, 1956: 167-168 (in part; see Lustrochernes carolinensis Muchmore); Hoff, 1958: 21 (in part; see Lustrochernes carolinensis Muchmore); Weygoldt, 1969a: fig. 105 (in part; see Lustrochernes carolinensis Muchmore); Weygoldt, 1970a: 242, figs 8a-e, 12a; Weygoldt, 1971: 14, fig. 14; Muchmore, 1990a: 519; Proctor, 1993: 156 (in part; see Lustrochernes carolinensis Muchmore); Harvey, 1991a: 597 (in part; see Lustrochernes carolinensis Muchmore).

New genus oblongus (Say): Muchmore, 1975d: fig. 6.

Americhernes oblongus (Say): Muchmore, 1976b: 153-156, figs 3-9; Dunkle, 1984: 48; D.W. Zeh, 1987b: 1084; Muchmore, 1990a: 518; Harvey, 1991a: 542; Snider and Nelson, 1991: 261; Proctor, 1993: 156; Judson, 1997b: 410-441; Poinar, Ćurčić and Cokendolpher, 1998: 86; Buddle, 2005: 15; Turienzo, Iorio and Mahnert, 2010: 559, 562.

Type Locality

Chelifer oblongus: Havana, Mason County, Illinois, U.S.A.

Chelifer alius: Easton, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Chelifer communis pennsylvanicus: Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Chelifer insuetus: Dover, Kent, England, United Kingdom.


United Kingdom
United States

Latitude: 40°18'N

Longitude: 90°04'W

Coordinates based upon: Havana