NOTEBOOK, small, brown, ring bound


Small, oblong, pocket-sized, brown leatherette (?) cover, dark green leatherette (?) inside cover, with white lined pages, double ring bound, refillable pages, ‘SOENNECKEN’s RING-BOOK’, note book. Front Cover: Rounded edges, solid rectangular spine, two linked circle motif on top, proper right corner, plain engraved border around edge. Back Cover: same as front, minus motif. Both sides slightly worn at ring binders, edges and spine. Inside Cover: textured dark green leatherette (?), indented where binders meet cover. Front inside cover has seller’s label: ‘HEINRICH KLUGLEIN/ KIEL/ HOLSTENSTR. 55/57’. Silver coloured metal, double ring binding. Inside back cover has maker’s label printed onto leather in brown paint (?): ‘F. SOENNECKEM/ Nr 1244/68’. Pages: Thick, cardboard, first page, with maker’s details on refilling pages. Some pages have top binding hole torn, and loose from binding ring. Pages 2-10 cover prices November 1922 to March 1923, some arithmetic, study timetable (page 15, written in English), diary notes (page 17, appointments?), child’s handwriting (English ; practising letters, short words and phrases: ‘p.29; I am going to sleep/ 18/6’, p.37; ‘Shirley Freeden’ [letters all written backwards, and upside down], p.38; ‘YOU/ ARe/ AN/ ELePhant’[letters mixture of upper and lower case]). Thick back cover page ‘S. FR/EEDEN/ VIA/ H.S’ (written in block letters). 44 pages in total.


History Department


Stanwix Collection

History Collection

Collection Item Data

Accession Number: H2008.233
Accession Date: 13 Sep 2013
Acquisition Year: 2008



Leatherette? Paper

0 - Whole





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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 3 Sep 2023

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