Dwyer and Mackay
Gold Mine Mount Monger, various small buildings, five men standing on mine under makeshift shelter. Information on GM 1283 and GM 1457, Mount Monger, supplied by Olive Proud from enquiries with Grace (Barton) Jones, and her sister Mrs Smith, of Hannan Street (next to Hotel, near Museum). "This is Proprietary Gold Mine.. Charlie Hunt and McMahon (mine employed 14 men). Prospector Arthur Starr (later of Starr and Garter Hotel Hannan Street) lived in little house for years and built on another room, as some only had dirt floors. In 1945, J Cunneen and Edgar Smith took over McMahon's mine and crushed for the public at Huntingdon's Mill - they treated sands. They struck a big patch of gold and sunk another shaft over the hill. EGHS neg BA.133. Date 1922
Medium Format: | 16.5x21.6 cm. / 6.5x8.5 inch |
Condition: | Good |
Medium: | Unknown B&W |
Keywords: | goldminemountmongersmallbuildingsmenstandingmakeshiftshelterinformationgmsuppliedoliveproudenquiriesgracebartonjonessistersmithhannanstreethotelmuseumproprietarycharliehuntmcmahonemployedprospectorarthurstarrgarterlivedhouseyearsbuiltroomdirtfloorscunneenedgarcrushedpublichuntingdonmilltreatedsandsstruckbigpatchsunkshafthilleghsnegdate |
Accession Number: | GMM457 |
Registration Number: | GM01457 |
Location: | Kalgoorlie |
State: | WA W |
Creator: | T. F. Mackay |
Original Legal Broker: | Museum of the Goldfields - MOG; Golden Mile Museum |
Cataloguer: | Jill Moffat |
Month Taken: | 1 |
Day Taken: | 27 |
Year Taken: | 1922 |
See GM 1570 and GM 1280.
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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 16 Aug 2024
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