A Carpet Eel Blenny collected from intertidal pools on Goodwyn Island in the Dampier Archipelago

Carpet Eel Blenny

Congrogadus subducens

This member of the Dottyback (Pseudochromidae) family is relatively large and eel-like. Colour varies from dark to tan brown or greenish overall with several rows of diffuse pale spots running the length of the body and a dark elongated blotch on the gill cover.


This is the largest species in the family Pseudochromidae, reaching 45 cm. The dorsal, caudal and anal fins are joined together to form a continuous fringe around the body, and the large lips are also a diagnostic feature.


There are six species currently recognised in the genus Congrogadus. They were formerly included in the family Congrogadidae; but this group was subsequently incorporated as a subfamily of Pseudochromidae, which contains just over 150 species.


A secretive species that is seldom seen away from the cover of rocks, rubble or reef crevices.



Inhabits rock and rubble in shallow coastal marine or brackish estuarine waters. Also occurs on coral reefs.


Indo-West Pacific, from the Nicobar Islands and southern Japan to northern Australia.

Life Cycle



Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Pseudochromidae
Subfamily: Congrogadinae
Genus: Congrogadus
Species: subducens
Name Published Year: 1843
Scientific Name Authorship: Richardson
Commercial Impact: 


Conservation Assessment: Least Concern

Net Conservation Benefits Fund

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Western Australian Museum Collections https://museum.wa.gov.au/online-collections/names/congrogadus-subducens
Accessed 13 Aug 2024

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