
Dwyer and Mackay

Opening of Majestic Threatre in Hannan Street with Red Cross Stall in front for War wounded Return Servicemen's Fund. See Letter attached from Mrs. K. Thorpe of 27 Bromley Road Hern Hill Western Australia 7/12/1988.

"My father (Harrie DeLavale) was Manager of Majestic Theatre, when it opened and I have some details re: owner Builder Architect etc. (Also, the name of the film shown on opening night.)"

Opening nights takings were donated to Red Cross.

Collection Item Data

Medium Format: 16.5x21.6 cm. / 6.5x8.5 inch
Condition: Good
Medium: Unknown B&W
Keywords: openingmajesticthreatrehannanstreetredcrossstallfrontwarwoundedreturnservicemenfundletterattachedthorpebromleyroadhernhillwesternaustraliafatherharriedelavalemanagertheatreopeneddetailsbuilderarchitectfilmshownnightnightstakingsdonated
Accession Number: GMM104/554
Registration Number: GM01104
Location: Kalgoorlie
State: WA W
Creator:  T. F. Mackay
Original Legal Broker: Museum of the Goldfields - MOG; Golden Mile Museum
Cataloguer:  Jill Moffat
Year Taken: 1917

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Western Australian Museum Collections
Accessed 20 Jul 2024

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