A well developed plate of Acropora cytherea at Hibernia Reef (Photo: Zoe Richards)

Fragile plate coral

Acropora cytherea

Forming large horizontal plates, this coral can form impressive mature colonies. Having a relatively small attachment point, this coral is vulnerable to wave damage and is most commonly encountered in back reef habitats are areas with minimal wave action.


This colonial species of coral that grows in large horizontal plates > 3 m across. These are formed of interlocking hoziontal branches from which many finely structured branchlets grow vertically. The colony branches may fuse together and near the centre the plates may become a thick and robust.


This species belongs to the highly diverse Family Acroporidae.


This species is a zooxanthellate organism meaning that it houses a small photosynthetic algae (zooxanthellae) through which it obtains energy.

Method of reproduction

Hermaphrodite; Spawner



This species occurs in shallow, tropical reef environments. It is found on upper reef slopes and lagoons. It is found subtidally on reef slopes and submerged reefs, not usually intertidally.


Found in tropical waters across the Indo-Pacific. In Western Australia, most commonly encountered on the offshore reef of the north west shelf.

Life Cycle

Broadcast spawner, where gametes are release for external fertilization and the planulae develops in the plankton.


Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Cnidaria
Class: Anthozoa
Subclass: Hexacorallia
Order: Scleractinia
Family: Acroporidae
Genus: Acropora
Species: cytherea
Name Published Year: 1846
Scientific Name Authorship: Dana
Commercial Impact: 

A small quantity is collected for the aquarium industry.

Conservation Assessment: Least Concern

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Western Australian Museum Collections https://museum.wa.gov.au/online-collections/names/acropora-cytherea
Accessed 2 Sep 2023

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