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Portrait of man, H/S Liddell.
Group Portrait of combined Goldfields Lacrosse team 1908
W.T. Gardner, F. Daniel, G. Mettam, W. Smith, T. Wheeler, A.W. Noel, G. Banks, A Mettam, Bob LLewellyn, (Capt.) H. Sands, W. Liddell, E. Farrell. Referee E. Berry.
F/L portrait of boy and girl standing wearing fancy dress costumes. Mrs. Liddell.
F/L portrait of eight children standing wearing fancy dress costumes posed on stage. Mrs. Liddell.
F/L portrait of eight children , four girls seated in front, four boys standing behind, wearing fancy dress costumes posed on stage. Mrs. Liddell.
F/L portrait of eight children wearing fancy dress costumes posed on stage. Mrs. Liddell.