Portrait of three young children, two girls sitting on rug wearing l;ace dresses, baby lying with head on girls lap, all with bare feet. Mrs. C. Dwyer.
Portrait of family (3), mother (3/4) seated, girl child F/L seated on mother's lap in white dress with elaborate lace, boy child standing in shorts and matching long jacket. A.J. Smith.
Family in flower garden "Mr. Bradshaw" (5); woman in deck chair with young girl on her lap; man and two girls standing among waist-high flowers; corrugated iron wall/fence in background, ladder leaning against shed. "Mr. Bradshaw"
Family portrait , mother, father, baby, boy. "Mr. L.J.Jacobs."Woman wearing dress with large collar; baby in frilly dress and cap seated on lap; man in check three piece suit; boy in sailor suit standing between his legs.