Golden Eagle nugget with Mayor Ben Leslie and men - Claude de Bernales seated right, Jim Larcombe left, finder, standing behind nugget - Jack Scadden, Minister for Mines,Sir James Mithell Premier for WA, Ben Leslie Mayor of Kalgoorlie, Ernest Williams Manager of Boulder Perserverance Mine,
Mechanics Institute & Jack Hehir's No 2 store, Hannan St., 2 storey buildings with front verandahs - Les Ellis Hairdresser, A Macrow and Sons, GM Tea and Grill Rooms, Central Garage, Dry Cleaner, Garage,
Three men on racing bikes with two men standing. Menzies to Kalgoorlie bike race Far left holding bike Keith Hudson, on bike Ron (Tim Hudson). Middle on bike Jack M Trouchet. Man standing on right Tom Ford holding Barry Bracegirdle on bike. Info supplied by John Terrill and Elva Hudson.