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Illuminated Certificate to Thomas Hearne a Diver who helped in the rescue of Varischetti on 28 March 1907.
Illuminated address to the Prince of Wales from President of Serbian and Montenegrins,Petar N Lucick, 1920.
Illuminated Scroll to J.C. Fraser from Kalgoorlie and Boulder Volunteer Fire Brigades.
Illuminated citation to Mr. Frank Hughes. Diver who rescued Varischetti on March 19th, 1907.
Illuminated welcome to Governor Sir Gerald Strickland from Chamber of Mines, 09 September, 1909.
Large group of people in front of St Mary's Catholic church. Framed illuminated certificate in centre front.
Illuminated citation to Mt. Frank Hughes, diver who rescued Varischetti from Council of municipality of Boulder. (Jeff Hawkins)