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F/L Portrait of girl standing wearing short dress headband on forehead; 'Sutton'
Portrait of young woman seated, in satin dress wearing headband; 'Fraser'
Portrait of young woman F/L, in satin dress wearing headband; 'Fraser'
H/S Portrait of woman wearing headband, pearl necklace; 'Thompson'
F/L Portrait of woman seated wearing three quarter length dress, headband, holding flowers; 'Lambert'
F/L Portrait of woman seated wearing three quarter length dress, headband, holding book; 'Lambert'
F/L Portrait of woman seated knee length dress and headband; 'Lambert'
3/4 portrait of teenage girl seated on small table, wearing knee length white dress, hair loose in ribbon headband, pendant, holding book. "Miss Howgate"
3/4 portrait of teenage girl seated wearing knee length white dress, hair loose in ribbon headband, pendant, holding book. "Miss Howgate"